Thursday, November 11, 2010

Our New Home

We moved into our new apartment at the end of September. It took about 2 weeks to get done most of the unpacking and about the next 6 weeks to get those last 5 boxes unpacked and put away. I don't know why it works that way, but it does everytime...atleast for us.
We love our new apartment. It is almost twice as big as our old apartment in Provo. My favorite part is my huge walk in closet and Christopher's favorite part is his Man Cave that he has been able to put all his manly things in.

Avery loves having more room to run around and Sarah still does not know the difference.

You walk into the apartment and see this.

To the right is the dining area.

Then there is the kitchen and pantry and laundry area.

To the left of the computer table is our living area.

The door on the far left is the door to our bedroom, bathroom, and closets.

The door to the right of the computer is the door to the girls room and bathroom.

Off of the living room we have a nice balcony that Avery rides her bike on.
Outside our front door is Christopher's man cave!

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