Thursday, November 11, 2010

Potty Training - Daddy Style

I look back at some of my old pictures and think what was I wearing. I think these two pictures are going to be some of those for Avery. We were trying to potty train her, so she did not have any pants on. It was cold that day, so she had a long sleeve shirt on. We had also just recieved some hand-me-down clothes and in the bag were minnie mouse slippers, which of course Avery insisted on wearing all day.
When Christopher came home and saw Avery sitting on the potty he joined in and tried to help Avery enjoy sitting on her toilet more by giving her a Calvin and Hobbes book! It actually worked in getting Avery to sit for longer, but not in getting her to actually go to the bathroom in her potty.

1 comment:

David and Stephanie Blake Family said...

Thats interesting calvin and hobbes creates the same phenomenon with me. I literally spend ages in the bathroom with Calvin and Hobbes.
